Spring into fitness

Winter is over now and it’s time to dust of the bike, clean your shoes and start getting out more. Time to spring into fitness and get fresh air.

It is now early spring the sun is out and all you can smell is the fresh scent of cut grass. It is also time to start thinking about your forgotten or long overdue fitness program. Spring into fitness now. Winter is over and you now have no excuses about the cold, darkness and not having the right motivation. Time rise and shine and get moving. Funny how spring is the time where we all magically are in better moods, are no longer “busy” and are ready to act with our fitness, strength, weight loss and health goals. So, what are your options?

I have made it simple and summarised the available options in selecting the right one for you. After reading you will be better informed as to what to expect. In terms of cost, effort and time you will need in reaching your goals. And understand what you will get for your outlay.

Firstly, what exactly are your goals? Is it weight loss, an increase in fitness, getting stronger or performance based? Maybe an event. There are so many reasons to get out there and be active. This is important as once you determine what they are you will be better placed on making a decision on what type of workout will suit. No point in hiring a fitness trainer or joining a gym when all you want to do is increase your step count. When people are not sure what they are and take up some sort of fitness regime, they quickly lose interest.

Let’s cover some options and get you moving heading into the warmer months.

Semiprivate personal training for those who prefer smaller groups

This type of training is made up of small groups between 2-4 people. Depending on the trainer is an attempt of replicate the same environment as a one on one. (that is keeping a close eye on you) My semiprivate personal training options are made up to a maximum of 2 people and its typically family members or couples that enjoy working out together. These suit my environment best in delivering best results.

I feel that any more than this number we as trainers tend to lose the value in paying for a personal training session. This type of training suits the person who has a partner/friend who clearly shares the same interest in working out and are committed to their training. The cost varies from $40 to $50 for each person for the hour. The trainer in these sorts of groups still makes good money and you are not paying the full premium price, however the focus is still there with an experienced PT.

Personal training for a higher level of service

This is clearly for those who expect 100% attention from your trainer and expect within reason the quickest and best results. Otherwise, why bother in hiring a trainer? An experienced PT will work you towards your goals. Be looked after with proper technique, nutritional guidance and given its proper application, an achievable program.

One on one training is suitable when you can’t achieve the same results by yourself. So, it makes sense to put a bit of effort in choosing the right one as you will spending a lot of time with them. In addition to paying one a premium fee for the benefit of being told simply what to do. A professional working relationship should be a given so shop around and find the best fit. I have accumulated over 16 years of this type of training, so I guess I have got a bit of experience by now.

Based on experience and service offered. You are looking at paying anything from $30 – $80+ per hour.  Expect a high level of service, skill set and experience when paying this sort of money.

Spring into fitness with some group training

This type of training is as the name suggest is all about the group environment.  A group set up can really vary depending on the type of training you are going to do.  The range of a typical small group run by a personal trainer is usually around 6 to 12 persons and to allows for proper group facilitation.  I have run these in the past and have found 8 is more likely my limit. Other trainers take in more. You can find yourself working out with at least 20+ at some facilities.

Most suitable for people who are after a trainer and not looking at paying a premium fee for one on one. These are great for work mates and family members to take up together. Likely priced at the more budget conscious. From $8 to $15 per session. Most operators even sell the sessions in blocks of ten with a discount and require you to do 2-3 sessions per week. There are many options for this type of set up offering the many entertaining ways in getting you up and mobile. Shop around.

A good one should more than cover any fitness, strength and weight management goals.

Locating professional training before jumping into the spring into fitness plan.

It is fairly straight forward. These options are available in most commercial gym and community centres around you. A simple google search in your suburb should be a good start. You will find that in larger gyms your options for one-on-one training are many as most gyms have team of trainers. All with different skill-sets available for consultation.

Firstly, check out the type of training specialty they offer and take it from there.  Personal trainers usually offer some sort of trial before you hire them. You will also find most centres have regular group training classes that keep their members happy with lots of variety. These can also entertain. Jump in and give them a go. Secondly, the smaller boutique and local gyms that offer the same service. For some the smaller and less intimidating environment suits them better where good staff know most of their member names. Lastly, be clear with your goals and find the best fit. Somewhere where you are comfortable and will commit.

Claudefit personal training is a private free weights training facility. Catered to delivering an all-round fitness, strength and health. With over 17 years of industry and 35 + years of practical experience in a private and professional environment.

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