Wintertime is base building

Winter is here, time to build up that fitness and strength base

Time to ramp up your workouts. Wintertime is base building time so expect the darkness, chilling winds, AFL and the rain to keep us company for the next few months. Now is a great time to change your training around, keep motivated and achieve those results you’re after. That’s right! Rug up. It’s time to put in the work and get some serious base training in.

In my opinion this is the best time to work out. Don’t let a little coolness hold you back. Take advantage unlike others who drop off and get yourself moving. The alternative is to stay indoors, grab the chips, chocolate and catch up on all those streaming programs you have been missing out on. This should not be you.

In my opinion, this is what you can do to keep yourself focused, consistent and motivated over the winter months.

Increase your strength base

For the experienced strength trainer, it’s time to load up that squat rack and start placing more weight plates on your deadlift my friend. Yep, for the weightlifting crowd it means cover up and starts working on those reliable compound lifts. Winters is great time for getting into some pure and serious strength training. Obviously be following a simple yet challenging 5×5 or 5×3 strength program in building up to your peak strength.

No more of the 2-hour, high rep 6 exercise routine. Bring it back to the basic lifts. Just make sure your goals are clear and you are injury free. Time to put in and go hard.

For the more recreational trainer it’s a great time to get in some consistent training in and work on getting in a full body program over the training week. Include some cardio and don’t neglect your stretches. After 6-8 month of solid training expect to be heavier and slightly more muscular. Enjoy the gains, hang in there and don’t be a fair-weather trainer. Be committed and consistent.

As for my female readers it shouldn’t be too different for you with this approach. It’s just a matter of keeping the food in control and eat enough to fuel your workout. It’s about being lean, fit and healthy. No skinny at any cost. You won’t put on size if you lift weights. Just strong and lean. The overconsumption of calories is what packs on the bodyweight. 

Wintertime is base building for great cardio strength and endurance

The cooler months are much kinder to anything cardio related. I’d rather be properly attired with my running clothing now than run out in the summer’s heat. The body takes a greater toll when one is exerting themselves during the hotter months.

As you have already put in the work, I would only recommend you only put in the harder running when the focus is on an event during this time. It’s wintertime now so it’s about building a solid fitness base for future events ahead. Anything during this time should be a bonus. Cooler days are great to push the body without blowing up.

For the fitter ones, tempo and interval sessions feel better. So, with a smart program you will recover quicker, develop greater work capacity and be able to constantly push the pace. All while building up your cardio engine. 

Running or cycling in winter is also easier when monitoring the body’s own temperature as you can layer up and remove clothing items as you move along. Get out and embrace the coolness. Do some research and invest in some proper winter clothing. You won’t look back!

Tip: Find a training buddy and hit the cardio machines or get out and about. You keep each other accountable.

Work on weaknesses

Hips lacking power? Need to build up the shoulders or need core strength? Yep, you guessed it. It’s time to focus on those imbalances and areas of opportunity now. You have 4-6 month of cool weather to work on weaknesses. Before you know it, you are a better version of the one that decided to focus on weaknesses and now reached that goal. A great time to give those stubborn body parts attention, target your lack of any cardio, finally get some flexibility in or simply improving on any lacking technique.

An opportunity to work on those key parts of your goals and get them sorted out.  Imagine getting to spring feeling fresh and ready to go knowing you have put in the work with an improvement on previous areas of concern.

Improve quality of food

What a perfect time to start working on your food. Don’t give me the” I’m not motivated and hand me my comfort food here” or “I’m too tired” rubbish. You simply cannot neglect such an important part of your strength, fitness and health goals. With everything related to winter base building time don’t forget it’s also about the food.

A consistent nutritional approach will go a long way in providing you with the proper energy needs.

Get the basics right from the start, eat well and get in the quality nutrients. Think about investing in some protein powder, creatine, or any other supplement you think you may need. Obviously seek a qualified expert when consuming any supplement.

Clearly you cannot bust out a solid workout and expect results by feeding yourself junk. In this day and age there is an abundance of information out there that can help you out. There are many professional resources that can provide you with a basic understanding of how to go about eating healthy and clean.

Most of the time if you already have a sound established nutritious eating habit you don’t need it. Honestly your nutrition usually requires a little tweaking. So be honest and clean it up. Think quality first.

Great time to work on weight management

Yes, wintertime is base building time. However, for those who simply want to lose the weight now is the time to put in the work and get educated about how to shift the kilos. No secrets here, it’s a matter of incorporating a nutrient quality approach and take it from there.

The fad diet, totally omitting a food group or I’m doing my own thing doesn’t work nor does the “its comfort food season” mindset and “you got to live” excuses. This approach will only set you back further. If you don’t bother now don’t question why you are still overweight in spring.

Generally, with people. It’s always about food and sedentary lifestyle choices. You have 4-6 month now before the fair weather arrives, so you have a choice now. Do something about it or wait until spring to once again procrastinate whether you are going to diet again.

It’s about education and being consistent with your overall habits. Not the short-term quick results approach. It’s not easy, but it ever so worth it.

Therefore, seek out a qualified nutritionist and get started. 

A positive mindset allows the wintertime base building period to be a success.

This is everything when it comes to reaching your goals. Most often people are highly motivated at certain times, however this changes when the reality of turning up mid-June in the dark and having to put in the work becomes a reality. Better to stay at home warm in front of the television, I guess.

A positive mindset will motivate you to work. It will motivate you to work on those areas lacking development. In addition, with a few months of work under your belt, your overall health.

Obviously with consistency you’ll be eating better, getting stronger, be fitter and most likely start reaching your goals on the scale.

So, an ordinary attitude doesn’t not help you. Understand that your mindset is important.

Finally, stay positive, commit be consistent and take advantage of the cooler months.

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