General fitness and health are important for all
During my younger years I took up weigh training. As like most young men I wanted to have some muscles. My cardiovascular fitness wasn’t something I thought about. I figured that riding my bike was enough, this was back in 1988. The gym, friends and going out was my life while my work supported this dream lifestyle. Fast forward to now as a parent and professional trainer a lot has changed. As it should with age and a sprinkle of wisdom. Over the years I’ve added elements directing me to a more general fitness and health approach. That is, I’m now focused on body health, cardio fitness and movement. All while still enjoying what got me started in the first place. Lifting weights.
The benefits and enjoyment of exercise are many and varied. Getting the mix now is an important element of successfully obtaining a healthy balance in life. We all need to find what suits us. You have to figure out what you like and what you need. Everyone has a different view of what general fitness and health means.
The following suggestions are just a few that show why you should be taking up a regular all-round health and fitness plan. You might end up feeling better, moving better and perhaps look your best.
An ideal weight management strategy
With any type of movement, the body burns energy. While you are moving over the day, you are burning calories. Being sedentary does but not enough. A good way to start with weigh management is to find you basal metabolic rate. An easy calculation. Your BMR is the number of calories you burn as your body performs basic life sustaining functions. Once you have this figure it’s a matter of finding the best eating plan that works for you. The one you will stick to.
My recommendation is to seek out a health professional that can guide you through this process. Knowing you BMS allows for the proper number of calories to be consumed. Once established you work on quality of nutrients. From there it’s a matter of commitment, consistency and a suitable eating plan.
An important goal in general fitness and health is reducing the risk of heart disease
Right now, heart disease is one of the biggest contributors to deaths in Australia. While some unfortunately are not treatable having a healthy lifestyle has been shown to prevent such an unfortunate condition to manifest. The benefits of moving, losing the extra bodyweight, becoming fitter and more health conscience are many. Losing excess weight and having a healthier outlook prevents many of the other metabolic rate conditions from limiting your lifestyle. Being overweight /obese consistently over works the heart due to the additional weight it has to bear. Whether you are a 150kg muscle bound weightlifter or 150kg obese person. The heart still has to work hard in moving this load. The benefits of a well-rounded health program are a major contributor in preventing heart related diseases.
Improved bone density
A result of regular resistance training strengthens the joints, ligaments and muscles, In addition to the cardiovascular benefits. It’s part of becoming stronger while preventing age related symptoms to prematurely take control. Strong bones are better able to handle the daily grind you put yourself though every day. A weak structure will only collapse. Injuries from falling over as we age are common. Having to recover from hip injuries as an older adult takes time and becomes quite frustrating to a once confident individual. Improving your bone density by taking up some activity or gym will make that structure strong.
Lower risk of depression and other mood related disorders
For those who already participate in regular training and look after their nutrition the general feeling of the “fitness effect” is something they are well aware off. I myself now run just to clear the mind and always feel better on return. The same can be said for many PT clients who after a challenging day at work choose to belt out a couple of rounds on the boxing mitts and feel much better for it. People who are generally active are mostly in better moods. Most are pain free and have a positive outlook. No surprise that group fitness classes are a great way to be around like-minded people, all who have a great mindset and are full of energy. Getting out for a walk is an excellent start.
An effective general health and fitness plan improves quality of life and strengthens your immune system
Lifting weight and becoming fitter don’t guarantee you will live to be 150 years of age. However, it will have a positive impact and improve the way you feel. Having a good general fitness and health outlook will improve your quality of life. Why struggle in you later years. Make the most of it now. The choice is yours whether you chose to be unhealthy, slow, and unmotivated. Sadly, for some a reality. Don’t be that person.
For those who care about their fitness and health benefits who prefer to be active. They are getting on with enjoying life. Staying active and moving well are a must.
A fitter and stronger body does not get as sick as often as an unhealthy body. Over time I have experienced this first hand when dealing with personal training clients. Initially they lack energy and fitness and somehow seem to be sick and feel flat most of the time. Given a sound program and consistency they start to feel more energised, don’t miss work or training sessions and seem to be more active than before. Some even forget the last time they were sick. Being fit and strong has certain carry over effects. A resilient body always look after you and not break down. Feed the body well and strengthen your immune system. You will occasionally get sick, its unavoidable. However not as much as before.
Increased feeling of wellness and vitality
Lastly, there is no other way for me to describe this. Once you get over the initial “slight discomfort” from taking up a workout plan you are going to feel great. You will have more energy and get more done over the day. Plain and simple. The feeling and confidence from becoming stronger has a definite carryover effect to your life. Don’t know how many dads have told me they have more energy to play with kids. While my female clients tell me they are now more confident and fitter. Some now run on a regular basis, or the best one yet. Don’t have time to watch television anymore as out of the house more. It doesn’t take much to look after yourself and attain some general fitness and health.
The best time is to act now. Looking after yourself and doing it right is an enjoyable process.
The rewards are waiting.