Staying active past 50 and still be mobile
Staying active past 50 should not be something that you think about, it’s something that should now be part of your normal healthy lifestyle. That is, having an established habit of exercise as your regular routine. Well done if you are already active. Whether it be from a long-time involvement in sport or a regular gym goer. By now the training years have accumulated nicely, you continue to participate in exercise or still involved in your chosen sport. Keep going.
Training age (years) refers to the time that you have spent involved with physical movement. Be it gym, sport or other activities. For those who have been mobile and have reached this age. It’s time to plan ahead and continue to reap the benefits from an active life. The long-term benefits from exercise have put you in a good position to continue living stronger, having better movement and feeling energised.
Just because we are a little older it doesn’t mean we have to stop. What we have to do is make some small changes that will allow us to still enjoy the activities we have always done. If you are not so mobile at the moment, it’s not too late to make the time, to start moving and ultimately feel and move better.
Turning 50 and still being mobile should be a priority.
Already cardio fit
If you have been running a lot, add some strength training. Basically, if you still want to enjoy the benefit and post feeling you get from running. Then a sound weightlifting program will provide you with the structural strength to continue moving pain and injury free. Any complementary gym session goes a long way in helping out the running posterior muscles, strengthening the upper body stabilisers for a more balanced physique. Something we all need it at this age.
With cardio exercises like cycling and running you might suffer from overuse due to the nature of the movement. Years of road running on bitumen or concrete are quite demanding. They take their toll. The loading the body absorbs during impact can accumulate and over time become annoying niggles. Unchecked will turn into long term overuse injuries.
Runners will tell you that been injured is frustrating as you are forced to immediately stop. Putting the brakes on a habit is quite hard and mentally tough. On a positive note, weightlifting will sort out imbalances, strengthen you up and keep you running. Now with a more resilient and stronger body.
What if you are bored of just doing cardio. If you have been active for most of your life just doing the same thing. Maybe it time to weight train. Re-direct your energy and incorporate some weightlifting into your lifestyle. Reap the benefits of becoming stronger. Strengthen those hips, have some upper body flexibility.
Work on those stiff shoulders and move better. You can still do your cardio. Getting stronger will help in keeping you mobile. So, running, cycling and other activity can still be enjoyed.
If you have been weight training
Alternatively, for those who have just been lifting. It’s time to train one of the more important muscles. The heart.
A cardio for health approach now in addition to those lifts will keep you healthy while not compromising strength sessions. Think bigger picture here. You will now have a more balanced program including some cardio. With a proper strength program any muscular gains are not diminished. Generally, under eating with an over emphasis on cardio will deplete you much quicker. Even worse when protein requirements are compromised.
Balance it out by including a longer warm up on the bike, factor in the bike post gym sessions or even do a cardio based class. Additional cardio aids in keeping you going and make you feel fresh. You will still lift and finish out those session with a bit more energy now. As an active 50-year-old you would have realised that those heavier and longer gym sessions are now in the past. Be smart with your gym and have an organised training schedule now more including cardio.
Adding a more balanced approach while adjusting gym session will allow you to continue your weight training lifestyle. Taking up running and cycling can be boring for those who gym. I understand. how about taking up an activity like boxing or martial art class. A professionally run club will adjust to your age and fitness level. These disciplines are best enjoyed with the conditioning that you already have. Both compliment a well-rounded program well.
Better yet, get a bike and take it outside.
Staying active past 50 in your chosen activity
Thes are just options. Pick anything that allow you to get a cardio workout in. While not compromising gym. If you already play a sport and are active, you understand the benefits of movement. For some carrying past injuries and a lack of stretching have become uncomfortable. Might be time to adjust or change sport activity in order to eliminate pain.
Others will have to start thinking about reducing the bodyweight. With age it becomes incedingly clear that a heavier and older frame doesn’t perform the way it used too. It not impossible to lose the weight as we once did. You just have to be more disciplined. Perhaps now you realise that its time work a little smarter and start up a weight and fitness program.
A basic and effective program will allow for a full body approach. That is full body strength, have some cardio that get you through the day and now equally important be flexible enough to move pain free. It’s the little attention to detail now. Combining these elements together will allow you to continue your chosen activity for years to come.
Movement is king when staying active past 50
If you can still move, you can still perform. Reaching 50 and thinking about flexibility and movement are just as important now. Adding in some well-structured stretching will ensure your basic body patterns still perform well. Without proper movement the fitness and strength you have are limited by lack of motion. Being strong and fit is a great feeling and well worth the investment in your health. Being stiff and sore are not. Now more than ever add moving well to this list.
The term movement is king has resonated for me since I heard it when I was mid 30s. I’m now in my mid 50s and believe this to be true. Exercise now should be about injury prevention and allowing you to get out and still enjoy life. Incorporate an overall gym plan and work on finding that balance.
Keep in mind that an experienced individual is different than a new person. Training age matters. You at least have an idea on how your body performs and feels. The gym is just a new skill to learn in addition to your already active lifestyle.
If you are new to gym exercises, learn proper technique. Be patient and practice the skill required to execute the movement.
Time to move and feel better