Turn up get results

Turn up, get results it’s the only way to progress with your goals

Turn up and get results. It has to start somewhere. Make the commitment and stay consistent for best results. It’s a basic philosophy to follow and one that has helped me along with several of my past and current clients.

Our biggest barriers are usually ourselves in procrastinating about when to start any project. Be it a fitness goal, an academic achievement or changing careers. It’s up to us to make those changes.

I will focus only on your health and fitness ones here.

When starting out I just wanted to get bigger muscles, be lean and look good. I was a younger man. I was more interested in looking better than anything else. The ever-important health and fitness goals came later. Much later. However, the basic plan has always been the same. Turn up, get results.

After years of bodybuilding type training, I decided that I needed something else that wasn’t going to break me. Like all those heavy lifts over the years had done. I now started to walk around with slight pain, and now wanted to start feeling better. Not just sore.  I was now looking at changing up my training to take me onto my future years feeling healthier and moving a lot better.

The one lesson I learned from all those years of just lifting is that you have to turn up and do the work. Everything else is supported by just getting to whatever activity you have decided to participate in. Whether it be, a gym, a sporting club or running event. It starts with committing to your gaol and getting there. You need the following.


Probably the point where most of us get stuck on. And after deciding on what type of activity you will take part in, the commitment to the task is important. Making the decision to sign up for personal training sessions, a group fitness class or even a sporting event like fun run. It all takes that one step, commitment.

Most people procrastinate and will keep on thinking about it and won’t make a decision. Some will decide and leave it till the weathers better. Others will be too busy. Either way nothing will happen.

Plan well and take the plunge. Commit now and work towards your goals. Nothing happens until you do.


Once the decision has been made and you have taken action on starting out your goal, the next natural step in the process is to be consistent. Most of the time we all want those results as soon as possible. Nothing wrong with getting there quicker. It’s just that some things cannot be rushed. This is where been consistent, and patient starts to pay dividends. Honestly, with most health, fitness and strength goals nothing can be rushed.

If you are looking at shifting some kilograms off your frame, getting a little fitter with your running, or wanting to increase those longer runs. It takes a disciplined approach. This means turn up, do the work and be consistent. Eventually you will have made those small gains slowly and reach a point where the body starts to change.

Nothing motivates more than seeing results.

When applying this approach to a running program, your consistency allows for skill development and improvement in running. When performing tempo or interval runs it results in increased in speed. A clear achievement. in addition, having a consistent build up to your long run over the weeks reaps benefits to the overall plan. During a running program the long run is usually done slower and klms and built up over several weeks and months.

This makes you better prepared and overall, a better runner. Now ready for any for an event.

Stay on track and develop a habit of been consistent.

Results follow

It’s all about results. I get it. We all want it now, nothing wrong with that.

Once you commit to the overall plan or whatever fitness goal you might have. Results will follow when you take the time and effort to apply yourself.

Reaching your goals, depending on what they are usually take time. Plan and be patient.

For example, if you are after a leaner body pick the eating style that interest you and stick to it. It comes down to the basics. Commit, stay disciplined and be consistent. Or a fitness goal like PR. Turn up, do the work and build it up slowly. Have a plan, stick to it and work towards the PR avoiding injuries and possibly create some new ones.

In our ever-entertaining fitness industry, the idea of consistency is often overshadowed by how brilliant the facilities are and all other distraction that are used to keep us from the actual work. Eventually you will have to put it and work hard. don’t be distracted. Stay focused and still enjoy.

Nothing gets results quicker than taking action and participating.

Turn up, get results and learn some new skills

When I was younger, I took up traditional karate, learned to move better and slowly over the years worked my way up the belts, got some solid skills and met some great people. All by turning up, listening, training hard and making an effort to learn what was on offer.

Basically, I was the fellow who was always there chipping away, (over the colder months) not fast, strong or gifted. Just happy to be there.

What I have picked up along the way with all the activities that I have participated in was the skill development of these fantastic disciplines. The ability to get the body to perform in ways that I never thought that it could.

The same approach is what I take with my clients. firstly, it’s the skill acquisition. Once we establish a safe base of knowledge we build up from there. The benefit of having great movement from skill development plays a part in keeping my clients motivated and motivated to work on their goals.

Once you have skill it makes the activity more enjoyable and prevents unnecessary injuries due to lack of knowledge. It goes without saying that learning the proper technique is safe and provides you with the best method in obtaining results.

For example, Spin classes with the proper bike set up are better. Doing a pump class helps when you know the movement. Learning the fundamentals of F45 and CrossFit workouts make it more dynamic.

This works with gym work, running, and combat sports activities. Building skill makes you work more efficiently and ultimately harder.

In addition, making it safer and keeping you motivated.

Professional trainer

It was only when I began my professional career in Personal training and now running my own business. I realised that with a disciplined approach learned from gym workouts, traditional karate and boxing and what the years of training have taught me.

Whether you are looking at losing weight, getting stronger, fitter or becoming more resilient for your chosen sport. Commit, be consistent.

Do the work. Gimmicks, hacks and other shortcuts don’t work long term.

Turn up, reap the benefits and achieve your goals.

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