Over 40 fitness and health
As an older adult, it is likely you have reached the stage where you need to improve your overall health. And are now doing some research to get yourself back into shape. For some it’s time to start getting some fitness in order to have the energy to deal with day-to-day activities. An over 40s fitness and health plan is what you need. Time to take control of your life and regain that energy you once had. For others who need some guidance, it’s about figuring out what’s required to achieve a fitter and healthier life. What are the elements you need to be aware off before you take on any exercise program? Preparation is key when seeking any results in the fitness and health world. I understand this position as having been born in 1967 are in the same position.
Overall fitness and health assessment
This is where it should all start for everyone. And since we are both now older adults I’ll touch on this one first. As an active trainer my priorities have certainly changed from my younger days. Unfortunately, I’m no longer bullet proof (if I ever was) and need that little bit longer to recover from both exercise and whatever the day has brought. For me it’s about staying fit, have some strength and continue to maintain my health moving forward. Even now as personal trainer I to need to ensure that I have a fit and healthy body. No point in promoting my own business if I don’t reflect this in my own life.
Prior to any fitness and health plan for older adults is the initial health check to establish where you are currently at. Get a doctor and have your health assessed. This first step will provide you with the knowledge of your current condition. Blood test results show you the particular indicators that need attention. Whether it be your high cholesterol or triglycerides levels or the many other indicators that are interpreted by a qualified professional. Once understood, a clear pathway in managing and improving your health can happen.
Working on your movement
Movement is king. My priority now is getting you to move better and allow components such as resistance training, walking/running and core strength to be incorporated. These all contribute to your over 40s fitness and health plan. But first you have to be pain free. In order to feel and move better we need to do work that helps us achieve the results we’re after. The fundamental movement the body perform are push, pull, squat, hinge, lunge and press upward, add bracing as core work and locomotion exercises like walking, running and cyclin to name a few.
If you are not able to execute these movement and are in a gym, I’d recommend you book in a fitness assessment or hire an experienced personal trainer. They should be able to get you executing the fundamentals in a safe and technical manner looking after you. Once you have learned the basic patterns and are pain free, you can then begin to work on putting them under loading with a resistance plan.
Have a positive approach to your over 40s fitness and health plan
As we age the life knocks, we have taken over time have all added up. For some it’s a bit of a struggle to get the body performing as it used to and for other than just live with the pain and don’t know what to do. Whether it’s due to an old sports injury, or you let yourself go there are always solutions. With a simple plan most, individuals should not be limited when choosing to get in shape.
Most older adults have already worked out what we like and don’t like, and some habits are set. When it comes to altering current lifestyle habits it becomes clear that a positive frame of mind change need to happen before you work towards our wellbeing goals. Having a positive mindset when it comes to health and fitness is a hard task for some. I have been working with older adults for many years and it’s this small matter that is just as important as the results. Before results, some changes need to be made. If you are in a position where you are not overly compromised you are never too old to get your fitness, health and vitality going again. Be positive, stay consistent and results will happen.
Our recovery is not what it used to be
It’s all about recovery once we hit 40. No big surprises here. This is where we need to be honest with ourselves and not overindulge like we used to. We have all been there, the big night out and sports activities you participated in are still possible. We just have to recognise the recovery is not what it used to be. Been out all night and going straight to work the next day way was once a badge of honour. I bet the thought of it now would send shivers. Thank God we eventually work out our body slows down, and recovery seems to be somewhat lacking. Getting older doesn’t mean you have to stop enjoying all activities. It’s now about adapting to what the body can perform and what are the recovery needs.
When it comes to recovery as an older adult understand that our body now has more inflammatory cells that build up in worked or damaged muscle. So, for those who do resistance work, it good to know. Time to adjust the heavy-duty workouts. These cells typically wont function the same way as when we were younger. In addition, we now have a decreased immune system that with makes our recovery slower and no longer respond to injuries and illness as it once did. For the sedentary individuals it’s been shown that a lack of physical activity among older adults also influences the body’s ability to heal itself. Another great reason to take up a fitness and health plan.
Nutritional requirements
For some of us we are no longer able to process the foods we once used to indulge in. This doesn’t mean we have to totally give up on all the delicious foods we still enjoy. It’s just a matter of limiting your choices on the type of food that don’t agree with you any longer and limit highly processed fatty foods. And now minimise alcohol consumption. It only takes me one drink these days to have a slight effect on my energy levels the next day. Reducing alcohol limits the calories consumed in liquid form and prevents the poor food choices made when under the influence.
It’s time not to take in an all-over healthy eating program with a greater variety of quality foods. Once we make these small changes you are still able to provide your body with the proper nutrients and energy. You will then still be able to better fuel your activities, get on with your day, become fitter, healthier and better manage your weight. Similar to the initial health check for some the assistance of a nutritionist in helping you with dietary requirements is a great choise.
Taking up an over 40s fitness and health plan is about feeling better
To continue having an active lifestyle, this is where you need to take a look at your current situation and make the necessary adjustments. For some it could be as simple as taking up an over 40s fitness and health plan. That is joining a gym, taking up a sport, walking or purchasing a bicycle. The fitness approach depends on what you will enjoy and commit to. As for the health component it could be a matter of limiting their alcohol consumption, working on their portion control or learning a bit more about basic nutritional needs. It depends on you and what you have learn or work on.
With a balanced overall plan this is all achievable. Feel better by becoming stronger, fitter and becoming active. Regain that activity you once had. In my opinion the bottom line with any program is to actually feel better, move better and look your best. Not feel lethargic, unmotivated and live with minor injuries. Focusing on your fitness and health with strength along with a more active lifestyle are enough to get you there. It’s all about being consistent in everyday life and not chucking in the towel because you are too old.