If you want to get into shape but have trouble getting or staying motivated, personal training can give you the edge you need to succeed.
Strength And Conditioning
General physical preparation
Increasing your fitness base
One-on-one personal training can help you get fit, get stronger , look great, improve your sporting performance and even give you back the energy and the confidence you’ve been missing.
Claude will work with you on what you want to achieve and to help you set realistic goals. His priority is to make sure you stay motivated and get results.
The benefits of using a highly qualified personal trainer are numerous;
- Personal trainers set goals
- Personalised service
- Personal trainers motivate you
- Client safety
You safety is my number one priority, no stupid tricks that compromise your safety – ever!
Semi Private Training
Semi private training at Claudefit are well priced and still allows you to get optimum attention. (This service has been particularly popular with couples). The maximum of 4 per group (based on your requirements) allows me to still pay adequate attention to you and is a great return on your investment.
The one hour session will certainly challenge you,deliver results and is another option if the one on one is not for you. The bonus is that you will not only be accountable to yourself, but to your other group members.
Nutritional Advice
As a personal trainer main focus has always been catered towards the strength,fitness and nutritional needs of my clients. It it with this understanding that we as fitness professional are only ethically bound by our industry to only provide nutritional advise at best.
My specific goals with nutrition advise is catered for:
- Weight Loss
- Weight management
- Nutritional education
- Healthy Eating choices
- Lifestyle factors
My Accredited Certificate in Nutrition (see below) is also recognized by Fitness Australia and is part of my professional insurance so any advise/recommendations I provide meets industry standards. This in addition to the various books and resources I constantly seek to further my understanding on this ever evolving and broad topic.
Boxing for Fitness
Boxing is a high intensity full-body workout that will make you physically stronger as well as aerobically and anaerobically fitter. It is a complete workout for your cardiovascular and endurance systems as well as training upper body, lower body and core strength.
Calorie expenditure and fat burning are quickly elevated during a well planned boxing session due to its high intensity in utilizing the larger muscle groups while keeping you constantly moving.
Boxing does not tend to add muscle bulk as much as tone and define muscle because it involves such high repetitions. You can enjoy more benefits aside from the physical aspects of boxing training.
Cardio intense boxing workouts allow you to burn anything from 500 to 800+ calories in just an hour.
Weightlifting / Powerlifting
Is a strength sport that consists of three attempts at maximal weight on three lifts:
- Squat,
- Bench press,
- And Deadlift.
As in the sport of Olympic weightlifting, it involves lifting weights in three attempts.
Powerlifting evolved from a sport known as “odd lifts”, which followed the same three-attempt format but used a wider variety of events, akin to strongman competition. Eventually odd lifts became standardized to the current three.
Bodyweight Strength Training
Bodyweight exercises are a simple, effective way to improve balance, flexibility, and strength without machinery or extra equipment. From legs and shoulders to chest and abs, learn to train every part of the body that can get stronger with body resistance alone.
If you are currently a well seasoned fitness Athlete or are new to exercise then the body weight series is something that will appeal to most of you.
If there is a white-hot trend in fitness right now, it’s Bodyweight strength training. if you are looking to the toughest, most brutally productive calisthenics techniques to spice up their workouts. We’re talking one-arm push-ups, pistols, pull-ups, handstands and hanging levers! The major movements that get the job done!
Having recently completed The Progressive Calisthenics (PCC) course that was hosted by Read Performance Training and successfully passing the requirements of the “Century test” I now have a new fondness and respect for all things bodyweight.
In getting stronger and leaner with bodyweight , you need to learn the big six. At Claudefit you will learn how to properly perform;
- The push up series
- The pull up series
- The pistol squat
- Perform the Bodyweight bridge
- Knee raise / leg raise series
- Handstand series
- plus be introduced to levers and body holds
As a certified PCC Instructor Claudefit can offer you…
- The knowledge gained from the Progressive Calisthenics Certification will take your physical development to the next level…and beyond! Bodyweight strength training was loved by old-time strength athletes for a reason.It generates
- Massive power,
- Coordination and balance,
- Protects the joints,
- Revolutionizes the physique,
- Builds tendon integrity
- And blow-torches fat from the body.
- Bodyweight strength really separates true athletes from the poseurs—millions of gym-rats can do a bench press or a curl, but when somebody busts out a one-arm pull-up or a human flag, you know they are really something else!
- As a PCC Instructor I believe that not only are the movements extraordinarily cool—and adjustable to any skill level—they are also amongst the most effective, functional techniques on earth. Plus, they require NO additional equipment.
- PCC training is quite unique. Nowhere else has such a comprehensive selection of powerful bodyweight techniques been brought together and taught in a progressive environment. The PCC represents the ultimate bodyweight workout, and whatever your field or specialization—from strength training to rehab, bodybuilding to team sports—you will come away fully worked out.
It’s not just elite athletes who use personal trainers. People of all ages, body types, and levels of fitness benefit from having an experienced personal trainer.