Women’s kettlebell strength

Women’s kettlebell strength training workouts don’t need to be complicated. Get the benefits from been strong, fit and mobile and use those bells.

Unfortunately, many women think that once they start lifting weight, they will all of a sudden get big or too bulky. Using a barbell is the last thing in their mind. This way of thinking has been around for as long as a can remember. It’s a pity that some don’t understand that a woman’s body simply does not release enough testosterone in the body to create this perceived increase in size. What I have found is that a poor diet and overindulgence in food over time has brought about weight gain. This has caused some to shy away from the gym work and look for alternatives that won’t put on size. A women’s kettlebell strength program is a great solution to most of your strength and fitness needs.

As an alternative to barbells lets introduce this unique tool that’s been adapted to many cardio and strength-based fitness programs. A basic kettlebell plan firstly teaches you exercise set up and proper execution of all fundamental movements. For starter’s once you get the form correct on a shoulder press and squat. We then introduce the swing where you start noticing the effects of a higher calorie burn.

From here we add more exercises in completing an effective women’s kettlebell strength program delivering real bulk free results.

The benefits of building muscle for female strength trainers

Firstly, if you are carrying a bit of lean muscle on your body, it’s in a better position to burn more calories. When either performing low impact movements at home or attacking the local group fitness class. It cost a lot of energy/calories in moving a stronger and leaner body. Secondly, the feeling of been strong empowers you to get on with the day with more confidence. This can come from lifting heavy items, handling physical tasks with ease, participating in sports or tacking other demanding physical activities. Lastly, a better conditioned body burns more calories at rest. All from becoming fitter and stronger now carrying lean muscle. So, gear up and hit some weights and start building that body you are after. Simply doing cardio on the treadmill at home will not do the complete job.

Women’s kettlebell strength training system

Once sufficiently warmed up. Let’s start with the key movement and then progress to add additional exercises once you have built up some conditioning and skill for a safe session.

Double kettlebell shoulder press One of my favourite moves for upper body development is the double press. Worked with good form allow you to have a balanced and secure overhead positioning. When worked in large volumes thoroughly hit the core. The aesthetic results from pressing are sure to come when proper technique is applied. Be consistent and be rewarded with a pair of well-shaped shoulders. Another great reason to press with kettlebells is the work the triceps received. The arms get a solid workout and take a more natural shape.

Double kettlebell squats Once you have become efficient with picking (clean) the bells up, you are now able start your squat training. Once you learn how to hold them in the proper rack position kettlebell squatting fully works the quads. Having the bells in front promote a more upright position. This set up challenges your core and works well in keeping an upright position promoting a good posture. For those new to kettlebells expect the hip flexors and groin area to be a little tender.

The swing is a must for any kettlebell program catered for female clients

A fundamental within the kettlebell series of exercises. The swing and its variants offer a dynamic workout to those hips, legs, core and is an absolute cardio workout. It’s basically one of the go to movements with most kettlebell programs. The inclusion of swings should be a priority due to its return on fitness, low impact movement and a fantastic calorie burner. A must for when it comes to looking after the ladies in hitting those target areas of the hips and butt.

During high volume swings your shoulders, grip, back and legs also get a workout making it a great all over conditioner. Expect an increase in strength, an improvement in heart health, better balance and coordination. A clear winner in helping out those who with a proper nutrition strategy are looking at weight loss.

Additional movement to completing an effective womans kettlebell strength program

Double Kettlebells deadlift – The deadlift on its own it a rewarding movement and is not specifically Kettlebell related. Due to the ease of the movement, we don’t require the set-up time when conducting a group session and simply grab two bells and hit those reps. The Kettlebell deadlifts happen to offer a better range of motion on the back phase targeting those tight areas. While they sit comfortably at the top. As a user-friendly tool this allows me to get some high-volume work completed. As an add on I often use the Single leg deadlifts for maximum results. To fully appreciate how good this hits the hip region, the use of a kettlebell becomes an essential tool. When performed properly the gluteus get the best workout that I can deliver with any exercise.

Double Kettlebell cleans – With a solid understanding of the basic Kettlebell lifts the introduction to the clean with the bells is a great way in teaching you to absorb impact, work those hips and keep the core tight. An added benefit is the workout the arms get in holding onto those bells. A fundamental move that allows you to safely pick the Kettlebells up in an efficient and safe manner. the clean is essential to learn as it teaches you how to properly pick up a bell. I teach this early with a single bell as part of the introduction.

Mix it up for a complete cardio and calorie burn

After few sessions you realise that both cardio and strength components work together. My past experience in delivering a kettlebell workout to my female clients shows they enjoy the calorie burn and post workout energy. And naturally ask for more as they can see the benefits. The versatility of the kettlebells is that can often work with other equipment in delivering results. For those who have some equipment at home add in some bells for variation. Let’s have some fun here.

Firstly, if you have a stationary bike. Do a set of swings and then a set of bike intervals. Rest and repeat as often as it suits. Combined and performed with a proper approach will deliver a high calorie burn. Secondly if you only have a skipping rope and a medicine ball. Do a set of kettlebell swings and then skip for 1 minute fast or a standard 2-minute round. Another set of swings and hit the medicine ball. Rest, rotate and repeat. Experience a great calorie burn and improved coordination. Lastly for the regular runner. During a short interval session do a set of swings then hit the interval. Walk back and repeat as planned. all simple and effective. It depends on your commitment and approach.

You can do a lot with this piece of equipment, just don’t get too creative. Keep it simple and effective.

To sum up, a physical strength program brings the feeling of independence and confidence. The use of a kettlebell will deliver real results for any female strength program. Use them as a stand along program, or part of an overall routine including machines and barbells. It all works with the proper approach and plan. Ultimately, it’s about getting leaner, stronger and moving better.

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