Women’s fitness and strength

A women’s fitness and strength program should first cover all the fundamental movement. Then you can focus doing more.

Over the years I have heard lots of requests from my female client who wish to target specific areas. As a personal trainer I’ve always enjoyed delivering results as a strength trainer. My approach is simple and effective in catered for the needs and wants of all clients. So, when using a women’s fitness and strength approach it’s about building the elements that the body needs. We work on strength, fitness and movement first. We cover all aspects and don’t neglect any components. It’s the most efficient way with no shortcuts or creating imbalances. However, once you’re conditioned enough, then we add extra attention to those areas of concern.

One of my basic templates for an all over body blast is simple. I’ll work your entire body using compound movements that put together work the elements you need. These will prepare you for future exercises and complement your knowledge further. Just one of many versions to work with that can be added to for variety or change of plan. We shouldn’t just work on the target areas; it creates imbalances and weak points of the body. This approach is ineffective and simply never works out. It’s the same as just cutting your calories to the bare minimum. You lose water, muscle with little fat. Plus, the lack of energy experienced when taking this approach.

How a women’s fitness and strength approach work. 

Firstly, warm up the legs with the Goblet squats, some swings, then 5 minutes on the air bike.

Trap bar deadlift for all body strength. The dynamic deadlifts are one of the well-known strength lifts when performed correctly gets you incredibly strong without wasting your time with other unnecessary lifts promising you big results and don’t deliver. They are great for females as they burn a lot of energy and works those hips, legs and gluteus. In addition, the carry over effect of this exercise goes a long way in promoting a leaner and more naturally balanced body. The deadlift also teaches you the benefits of properly bracing your body in lifting properly and safely.

Front kettlebell squat for leaner legs and strong core. The front kettlebell squat is easy to learn and perform for most. It’s quite safe as you have the weigh loaded up in front, it promotes an upright posture and works your core. With the use of the kettlebells, it’s a case of using the correct tool for the job. You can’t go wrong with this basic compound lift that entirely working the legs as a collective unit. Use a bell and get those legs looking lean and strong.

Kettlebell shoulder press for that shapely look. For those shapely and not too bulky shoulders the kettlebell press is the ideal way to get it done fast and efficient. It is an all-over upper body pressing movement when done with a Kettlebell is easy to teach, perform and has a great return on effort. It’s a safe movement performing this often-neglected exercise. Don’t let the above the head press intimidate you. It’s great for the arms, deltoids and when standing posture and core.

Let’s hit those areas further.

Single leg deadlifts to blast your gluteus further. I cannot talk this movement up enough when it comes to working your gluteus it simply gets the job done and you will feel it instantly when performed correctly. It was one of my go-to exercises back when I was taking female group fitness for a large gym. It teaches you to properly perform a one leg movement that targets the gluteus and actively gets the core involved to support the exercise. An all over winner in the eyes of my female client.

Lunges with kettlebells to tone those legs. One of the better standalone movement or one to complement either the squat or the deadlift. The lunge is a popular one for fitness professional and great to challenge your class during group fitness or bootcamp. A real winner. It works the quadriceps, hamstring and effectively hits those glutes. You can even adjust the movement to target more the quads or glutes. Play around with the different varieties to suit.

Hanging knee raises for lower a lower ab blast. The one area of concern for most of my female clients is the lower part of the abs. Just as popular as under the arms. The hanging knee raise of a bar or with the assistant straps hit this area well. An old school exercise that targets the core with an emphasis on the lower part. When using bar, great for forearm and grip strength. I often use this one for my running clients as it works their hips flexors well.

Kettlebell swings and boxing for a total cardio blast.

Two undeniably effective ways that I use often with my clients is the use of the kettlebell swing and boxing for an absolute cardio blast. Whether I use them during the same workout or independently, both are great for variety and a guaranteed heart rate for hours post workout. Take the kettlebell swing. With the proper bell and knowing how to use it, try a few sets of 20-50 swing for 4-5 sets. A guaranteed skyrocketing heart rate and some handy calories burned. Not bad for just one exercise. When it comes to boxing, I’m sure you are aware of this great all body workout that only boxing can deliver. Add the humble skipping rope and you have everything you need to achieve the same result as the swing. Imagine been conditioned enough to work them both?

A proper women’s fitness and strength program is about balance.

To sum up, whether you are focusing on just strength or fitness it’s always a great approach when you incorporate both. However, this will depend on your particular goals. In any situation it’s about finding the correct balance. Any effective workout program should reflect your lifestyle and fit into it with ease. No point in committing to 7 days a week of pure gym and miss out on everything else that a fitness and strength program should compliment.

Work out how many days within reason you can make it to your session and balance it out then. You could go 2 strength and 1 cardio class if suit or 2 for 2. What matters the most in getting results is you overall consistency. This will bring results that ultimately keep you motivated. So, find you grove and keep at it.

Staying fitter and stronger.

Claudefit Personal Training has been operating since 2007. And has over 35 years of own practical experience.

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