Using kettlebells for mobility are of great benefit when looking at improving your functional range.
It still surprises me to this day that most gym goers neglect mobility. Especially new member who don’t understand the benefits. This is an important component of an effective fitness and strength program. People tend to neglect their mobility work as parts of their workout not realising that when performed regularly adds value to their program. In the past I’ve myself have been guilty in taking this approach. As a younger man I was too busy, in a rush, wanting to get home and didn’t really place too much emphasis on it. Over time common sense has taken over and I now have it programmed with all my workouts. Now, as an experienced trainer I often use Kettlebells for mobility in introducing new exercises to new clients and during my trial session depending on the individual.
Most importantly we all need some form of mobility for the benefits it brings. Take yoga for instance and you will soon understand why it’s such a popular past time. Its stretches you out, makes you feel great and promotes a healthy outlook in life. However, one component is missing. It’s not weight training and misses out on the strength part. So, what will allow you to both get a strength and mobility workout in a single session? This is where the Kettlebell comes into it. Working with this tool promotes a more natural pattern of movement delivering quality strength. The exercises I’ll cover will combine the elements of mobility, stretching and strength.
The essential 3 kettlebell for mobility exercises you need.
The Turkish get up. This old and dynamic exercise will allow you to from a lying position stand up again with the weight been held above your head in a press/locked out position. It’s not just a “trick” exercise that gets you to stand up and lie back down again. It’s more than that. The benefits here are within the transition of various positions in getting you to stand up and get back down again working sides of the body. With an experienced Instructor you can be sure this single exercise can work your movement patterns, flexibility and strength components using smooth form.
The Goblet Squat. This little treasure if performed correctly gets those tight hips to open up in a controlled and safe manner. I’ve used it many times in getting my older adults with tight hips work on inflexibility. For some gentlemen just taking away the pain of feeling rigid and sore as men often do. The bottom position promotes a solid postural position in its application, an obvious carry over effect if daily life. Great for those who sit down all day. It’s also an excellent way to teach someone how to squat. If you can get them to perform a proper goblet squat it makes sense to progress to barbell with greater loads.
The Kettlebell Swing. One of my go to movement for most fitness requirement delivering great results. The swing allows me in one movement to get the hips to fold and contract the posterior chain. It helps me teaching the deadlift, compliments running mechanics, while building stamina. A clear winner in burning calories. Overall performing the kettlebell swing and its many variables is a staple because it works.
Using kettlebells for mobility is a great way to prepare an individual for all major lifts and is a great tool to add to most programs.
The above three exercise on their very own are great for delivering great results in movement, flexibility and quality strength and have certain carry over effect to many sporting applications. Combined they make up a total movement package in making you both stronger and have a sound functional range. It’s a great start for those interested in working with bells. Depending on your needs I encourage you to add more specific exercises as you build your training knowledge. I’m not suggesting that the kettlebell is your only resource, just a great option to begin with.
Unfortunately, a lot of trainers get to the fun stuff because they mistakenly think this is what client needs. And unfortunately neglect mobility or simply don’t have the knowledge. Without a sufficient range of motion, you won’t benefit from exercises properly getting the results you are after. It’s important to include mobility work into your program, over time you will learn to move, stretch and work on flexibly more efficiently during a workout. Once you take the time to apply some simple drills you will never look back.
I’m sure you work out to Move better, feel better and look you best. So, grab a kettlebell and get started.
Claudefit certified an a RKC2 instructor in 2013. Operating as a personal trainer since 2007.