Run an obstacle course

Run an obstacle course

Preparing to run an obstacle course event takes strength, cardio and resilience. Time to run and get dirty. For those few fitness enthusiasts who are wondering what an obstacle race is and why you should do it. It’s a great challenge and a true test of mental...
Running for fitness

Running for fitness

Running for fitness builds cardio, burns calories and gets you outside to breathe fresh air. Find an event and sign up now. Over the last 15 years as part of my personal health and fitness goals running has been a big part. Essentially this has been my cardio...
Running strength program

Running strength program

A structured running strength program will provide you with the durability to remain injury free and continue enjoying the benefits of running.  Over the years I’ve been a fairly consistent runner and fortunately for me I’ve managed to stay injury free. I plan...
Running Mill Park trails

Running Mill Park trails

Running Mill Park trails We are currently on a mission where my buddies and I are looking at tackling another obstacle race. In addition to building up to towards a full road marathon in late October. As a group we have tackled several running events as they pop up...
Over 40s Spartan race

Over 40s Spartan race

Over 40s spartan race preparations for seasoned runners It was on the eve of my next spartan race typically feeling anxious about the next day’s event. This time we were tackling the spartan beast race. A well-designed challenge that entails the half marathon distance...