by Personal Trainer: Claude Fit | Female fitness and strength
A women’s fitness and strength program should first cover all the fundamental movement. Then you can focus doing more. Over the years I have heard lots of requests from my female client who wish to target specific areas. As a personal trainer I’ve always...
by Personal Trainer: Claude Fit | Female fitness and strength
Female strength training plays an important part in becoming leaner and can even improve your cardio workouts. One of the memorable phone calls from a client who was referred to me by former group fitness participant. It was clear she had already made up her and still...
by Personal Trainer: Claude Fit | Female fitness and strength
Women’s kettlebell strength training workouts don’t need to be complicated. Get the benefits from been strong, fit and mobile and use those bells. Unfortunately, many women think that once they start lifting weight, they will all of a sudden get big or too...
by Personal Trainer: Claude Fit | Obstacle running
Time for tough Mudder training Given the recent interest in all thing’s obstacle racing by the general public and the abundance of choices promoting these events, what are they all about? Firstly, you have to like to run. On dirt, mud, gravel, pavement and trot...
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