Strengthen your running physique

Strengthen your running physique with resistance training

As recreational runners we all like to improve and most don’t see weightlifting as a means to help with running. If you strengthen your running physique with resistance training, you will reap the many benefits. More seasoned runners know this incorporate a balanced program to compliment their workouts.

If you’ve been running for a while and have never managed to experience an injury. Or suffer from some niggles due to the wear and tear the typical runner incurs. I would probably say you are a quite fortunate or just plain lucky. Well done and keep on going as you are doing well.

With experience, becoming resilient and strengthening your running physique is something you should strive for. A stronger runner is a better runner.

For some to be a runner is to constantly carry some sort of grievance like a badge of honour. How many times do you hear from a fellow runner how in pain they are? Usually after their long run then claiming its part of running and simply brag about it. 

Unfortunately, most recreational runners choose to run through the pain and hope it will run itself out. Or it will simply go away. Unless you are an active competitor I don’t see the point. At my age I can’t afford to get injured as the recovery will be long. Even worse, carry over to my work and other life activities.

You should do everything possible to prevent injuries. In my case I’ve reduce my chances by adopting a full body training program. It provides me with a balanced regime. As a runner targeting the hip and leg region. All helping me build up a strong and durable running physique. Upper body also gets a workout to balance it all out. 

Strength training for runners

In the past it was thought of that adding some weight training will bulk you up and slow you down. Fortunately for us we are now in a better position with education and experience and know this is not entirely true.

It is if you are training to pack on mass and muscle. For example, using a powerlifting or bodybuilding program will get you big and likely slow you down. All because of all the inactive additional mass you have to carry. Movement and strength are king here. Not unnecessary mass.

However, taking a more proactive approach and embracing a complete strength and conditioning program will assisting your passion of running. It will strengthen the skeletal and muscular system and turn you into a more resilient runner. And continue to enjoy your passion for running over the years to come.

There’s nothing better than knowing you can tackle those last kilometres felling stronger through the hips, core and legs. As opposed to being in survival mode and crossing the finish line a wreck. Been running fit is a great feeling. Adding the benefit of running stronger is even better.

Here’s a few of my chosen compound movements that I’ve incorporated into my own and running clients full body programming.

To strengthen your running physique, you need to adopt these important fundamental lifts.

Trap bar deadlifts

The one movement that I prefer in the programming of runners is this classic floor pulling movement. It works the Quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings together. It’s more of a hybrid exercise. Using a trap bar compared to the more technically difficult barbell deadlift is kinder on the spinal loading. Plus feels more comfortable to execute.

It’s easier to teach and allows for greater reps to be performed compared to the more technical barbell deadlift and Olympic lifting variations. Remember this lift was chosen for the runner in complimenting their program, not the pure strength trainer. In addition, it can also be performed for higher repetitions due to the favourable position.

Single leg deadlift (SLDL)

In complimenting the trap bar deadlift the next exercise I’ll add is the SLDL targeting the Hamstrings, Glutes & Lower back. An excellent compound strength movement. The hip flexors also get a brilliant workout. My weapon of choice here is working the double kettlebells. They are easier to hold and assist with the balancing of the movement required. The feedback I get from this little gem is that the glutes get worked solid. Walking around for a few days later seems challenging. 

Another benefit is that it toughens up the ankle area and helps with balance. The additional loading on the lower back within the overall movement allows the posterior chain to develop fully. Thus, adding value to the running movement, in strengthening the constant pounding on the joints during a run-on harder surface.

Kettlebell front squats

These are by far my favourite movement for the active runner. The front rack positioning of the Kettlebells once learned allows for a more upright posture development. It targets the quadriceps muscles nicely during the squat. This front positioning allows for a deeper squat technique making it easier on the shoulder loading.

It ensures your core is activated due to the stabilizing required and guarantees it receives a solid hit out. All up an excellent movement for runners compared to the barbell squat variation. Minus the wrist flexibility required in performance. Once again, the choice was for the runner, not the future Olympic lifter. The above 3 compound lifts have been selected in complimenting the runner who has wished to get stronger. And engage in a resistance program with a clear direction on where to start.

You are a runner first. Proper weight training can be of benefit for both running and overall health.

Once you strengthen your running physique find a balance

It would be remiss of me if I didn’t as a personal trainer mentioned that. An all over body program is the ideal way in training your body. I would never recommend a pure upper body or Lower body program and disregard a more balanced approach.

To fully strengthen your running physique. As a bare minimum balance both the Shoulder press and A rowing exercise should be added. These two movements are not directly running related but will be of great benefit. Adding upper body strength and a few balance exercises to the lower body component from a structural point of view are a must. 

Apply a full body approach. A more evenly balanced individual is a better performing one.

Please ensure that before participating in any resistance program you are familiar with the techniques. Ensure you are in an environment where professional guidance is available. The last thing you want is to incur an injury from the very program that you started. Remember this is the program to strengthen your running, prevent injury and help you to continue to enjoy the benefits running brings.

Happy Running.

Claudefit is an active runner who also balances own resistance training program with running and cycling for best results.

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