Northern Suburbs Strength trainer

Northern Suburbs Strength Trainer

As an experienced northern suburbs strength trainer, I have over the years learned so many exercises that I feel sometimes I suffer from exercise overload. Continuous professional development has allowed me to keep the good and discard the unnecessary.  Why bother performing 18 exercises when sometimes half can be more effective. The fitness industry is always looking at ways to keep people entertained as opposed to keeping them fit, strong and healthy.

Experience has shown what works and so continue to improve on the fundamentals. Only combining elements that work together it’s a win-win situation for both trainer and better client deliverables.

The following is a basic session plan that works a treat.

One of my current mixes of exercises to get my clients to perform during a session is the one where I call it the nasty 3. It’s quite simple in application and somewhat challenging when you commit.  It starts off with 3 solid core exercises followed by double kettlebell complexes and finishing you off with various boxing punch out / Heavy bag drills.

Depending on where client’s current strength and conditioning is, it’s quite easy to fine tune the effect with the right choice of resistance and kettlebell weight. For example, if you have been using the 16kg kettlebells then jump to the next increment which is 20kg you are in another world of pain.

Traditional Kettlebells only go up in increments of 4kgs. I cover whatever energy you have left in the boxing section with the focus pads. It’s part of the fun.

Core first

The exercises work well in providing a solid and somewhat challenging core routine.  The added benefit is that the limbs are sufficiently warmed up once core work is completed.  By then you should be well and truly “switched on” These work well due to the core being worked first. Given the basic movements performed the whole body is being utilised to support the exercise. Leaving you prepared for the workload ahead.

  • Landmine 5 sets of 10
  • Lying leg raise
  • Medicine ball sit up throws

Kettlebells are strength

The next component is the Kettlebell complex that involves only double kettlebell work. It’s important to point out that the clients who work with the doubles have already an establish base of strength, experience and fitness in working with kettlebells.  Be warned if you are not proficient on the kettlebells its best to some instruction before you jump into the doubles.  As a Northern suburbs’ strength trainer, I’ve been working with kettlebells since 2008.

  • Double Kettlebell Press
  • Double kettlebell Squats
  • Double kettlebell swings
  • Double kettlebell cleans

Boxing Workout for strength and fitness

When it comes to boxing the benefits associated with this discipline can basically stand on their own when it comes to delivering strength, fitness, movement and an absolute calorie burn.

I like to incorporate the boxing element with my clients as a great finisher to the more weight bearing movements. It allows us to flush out the tightness created with weights and gives me an opportunity to finish of the session on a high.

In addition, I usually gauge how much energy my clients have and leave them with nothing using the focus pads.

  • 3 rounds of Skipping (keep a solid tempo)
  • 3 rounds of bag work (working at 80% exertion)
  • 3 x rounds of Mitt work (intensity at my discretion)

The above approach with my more seasoned clients allows for mixing it up 3 vital areas of conditioning. That is Core, Strength & Cardio. This plan can be used with my other clients. With an emphasis on one element (say Kettlebells) work in one core movement and introduce them to boxing.

Either way it works out well.

The importance is to ensure the client receives a solid workout where you manage them to the end. Not smash them. It’s about making the session more effective. Not a beat down.

As a northern suburbs strength trainer my final tip is your overall fitness and strength plan is important

Remember this is full body strength and conditioning workout. (General Physical Preparation) Not a sports skill workout. We are training the body to cope with whatever activity you follow. Be it running an obstacle course, trail running, Australian rules or rugby.

Getting physically prepared goes a long way in the enjoyment of chosen activities. Additionaly increasing any skill training time.

Apart from being effective all over body workout it becomes just as dynamic when it comes to calorie burning.

As we like to ask ourselves here, how many calories will I burn today?

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